19th November to 23rd November

Maths We have learnt about pound notes. So that I could learn about change, we played shopkeepers. Antarctica I made leaflets for the Antarctica museum. I did some sketches of the four plants in Antarctica. Baking In baking, we have made chocolate sponge. It is super delicious, but you can’t have any because we have … Read more

12th November to 16th November

Maths I added coins together and I did coin rubbings. Baking We baked chocolate dinosaur biscuits. The dinosaurs were T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus. Antarctica We made models of the animals that live in Antarctica. For each animal I wrote a description. I made an Antarctica poem about what can be heard, what can be … Read more

5th November to 9th November

Antarctica We learned about Antarctica. We made a background for our Antarctica display with icebergs, mountains, Aurora Australis and water. Then, we put nouns and adjectives on. After that, we learned about its coldest day. Next, we found out what sounds can be heard. Trees We learned about trees. We used a tree book that … Read more