The Jungle Book
In The Jungle Book, Shere Khan died because he got trampled over by buffalo. Mowgli got thrown out of the village, so he went to live in the jungle with four of the wolf cubs.
This week, I wrote the summary for chapter 3, but I haven’t written it up in best yet. We’ve finished reading The Jungle Book, this week.
This week in maths, we have been learning about odd numbers and even numbers. I know that if the number has a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 at the end it is an even number. I also know that if a number has a 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 at the end it is an odd number.
I did the bulb and seed observations.

Also, I made a flower picture and I had a look inside a flower.

In Scratch, I had to make my own dance party with two characters that just dance and two characters that just float about. I managed to get two sprites dancing and one sprite moving. Next week, I am going to do some more work on the last sprite.
