I Watched a Pair of Dueling Antelope

I watched a pair of dueling antelopeOne Spring day, when something rare was my hope.Each majestic antler, a powerful sword.The clattering of wills could be heard.Their horns crossed, neither did concede.Heads bowed, both pushed for the lead.Only the strongest would succeed.

Cakes in a Window

Cake one, A round carrot cakeWith a carrot on topLike a tower on land. Cake two,A large rectangular cheesecakeWith white icingThat is a football pitch. Cake three,A perfectly-sized, round chocolate cakeWith cherry jam in the centreLike a cherry jam sandwich. Yes. Cake three is mine.I enter the shop.

The Golden Egg of Easter

‘Wake up!’ shouted a voice, as Doc was nudged by a paw. ‘Happy—the sun’s sleeping. Why can’t I?’ asked Doc, his words pierced by a yawn. ‘The Easter Festival starts today. Do you want to miss the Golden Rise?’ At this, Doc bolted up and ran towards the burrow entrance with Happy right behind. As … Read more

The Dig: Day 4

Introduction Today, we resumed work on the ‘floor’ and gap in the wall. The Work The Introduction We continued digging around the ‘floor’, but we now believe it’s just rubble from behind the orthostats. Also, we found a new orthostat in line with the gap. The Enclosure Today, we removed moss from the orthostat furthest … Read more

The Dig: Day 3

Introduction On Wednesday, we continued to reveal the wall and orthostats. The Work The Introduction We started to uncover the wall on the other side of the gap, digging down quite a bit. While we didn’t find any orthostats in the gap, a photo from 1997 shows a tree growing here. Also, we found many … Read more

Analysis of ‘Young Lambs’

Introduction Today, I wrote an analysis of ‘Young Lambs’ by John Clare. Poem The spring is coming by many signs; The trays are up, the hedges broken downThat fenced the haystack, and the remnant shines Like some old antique fragment weathered brown.And where suns peep, in every sheltered place, The little early buttercups unfoldA glittering … Read more

The Dig: Finds

Find 1 Click here to see the post that describes Find 1. Find 2 Click here to see the post that describes Find 2. Find 3 Click here to see the post that describes Find 3. Find 4 Click here to see the post describing Find 4. Find 5 Click here to see the post … Read more

The Dig: Day 2

Introduction On Monday, we resumed The Dig, continuing to reveal the orthostats and ‘incised’ stones. The Work The Introduction We’ve now found the edges of the third orthostat and believe it is not incised. This is because the lines are quite wobbly, which you would not expect to see in a man-made carving. Also, tree … Read more

The Dig: Day 1

Location of suspected saddle quern stone in the mud.

Introduction On Wednesday, we started The Dig and began exposing the wall and orthostats of the enclosure. The Work The Introduction The main orthostat we worked on is in the north-west corner of the enclosure. This orthostat is surrounded by the roots of a tree. Meanwhile, the surrounding rock is a mixture of lower magnesian … Read more

The Dig: Introduction

Location Our woodland is on lower magnesian limestone and contains an archeological site. This site overlooks a narrow valley that leads into a larger gorge and sits on the edge of a fault scarp. A fault scarp forms when two pieces of land are separated: convection currents in the mantle cause an uplift of the … Read more