An Amazing Book About a Prehistoric World

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs is by Steve Brusatte, a palaeontologist, and discusses the dinosaur’s world and the time leading up to it. While dinosaurs themselves are a main topic in the book, Brusatte also creates a clear image of their environment, including the weather. Two other topics are the mass extinctions that … Read more

Woman Survives Attempted Abduction by a Lion

On May 20th, a lion attempted to steal a cook’s wife from the small African town of Tabora. Eyewitness, Roald Dahl, reports that the lion abducted the woman in the evening and then walked away in the ‘calmest possible manner’. Dahl, along with the woman’s husband and a District Officer, chased the lion as it … Read more

A Children’s Classic of Sailing and Adventure

The seventh Swallows and Amazons book, We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea, is one of several by Arthur Ransome.  The Swallows (John, Susan, Titty and Roger) and their mother are waiting at Harwich for the return of their father. Soon, they meet Jim Brading, who agrees to take the Swallows as crew. However, fog … Read more

Yorkshire Wildlife Park: The Perfect School Trip Destination

Yorkshire Wildlife Park is an English zoo in Auckley and is perfect for a school trip. As well as having a wide range of animals to entertain and encourage students to learn, YWP can gift young visitors with personal growth through certain experiences.  Going anywhere on a school trip will help engage and motivate some … Read more

The Fall of Social Media

INT. JAMES’ LIVING ROOM – EVENING A teenage boy with brown hair sits on the couch, using a phone. JAMES’ amber eyes widen in shock as his screen turns black and a red message appears. JAMES (surprised)Social media is now dead. No! CUT TO EXT. SCHOOL GROUNDS – NOON, NEXT DAY LEO’s sharp blue eyes … Read more

A Window into a Famous Author’s Childhood

Boy is one of many books written by Roald Dahl, and the author describes his childhood in this story. However, Dahl states that Boy is not an autobiography because he left out the boring details! In Boy, the author describes events in his life between 1922, when he was 6, and 1936, when he was … Read more

Healthy Habits Leaflet

Recently, I have used a website called Canva to create this leaflet on a healthy lifestyle for a supermarket. This image show pages 5, 6 and 1 of a trifold leaflet from left to right. In the following image, pages 2 to 4 of my leaflet can be seen from left to right.

The Watch

‘Listen up!’ shouted Officer Tuohs. ‘This is the first day of operation The Watch. We will find all litterers and rubbish-droppers.’ I listened carefully as the officer shouted about how we were to stay at our posts and watch for people dropping rubbish. While this was important, I did not understand why he needed to … Read more

A Golden Book of Mining Adventures

Written by Arthur Ransome, Pigeon Post is the sixth book in the Swallows and Amazons series. The Swallows, Amazons and Ds arrive at Beckfoot for the summer holidays and plan to mine gold for Captain Flint. After meeting three requirements (the ability to get milk and water, and for pigeons to deliver messages), the group … Read more