Night in the Christmas Forest


Night in the Christmas Forest is my most recent drawing. In this picture, there are multiple stars that spell MERRY CHRISTMAS. Three of these stars belong to Christmas trees.


I started by drawing the stars and connecting them; after I finished the stars for one letter, I connected them to avoid getting confused.

Before drawing the trees, I practised making the right shape for a spruce tree. At first, I was only going to do a tree in the centre, but I decided that three would look better.

Later, I drew a circle with an arch in: this was the moon.


I started with the stars, colouring the ones on the Christmas trees a golden colour: using two similar colours, I got a colour close to gold. I then traced the lines forming the letters with silver underneath red and green on top.

For the trees, I started with the leaves at the top and worked down, colouring them dark green in a diagonal, until I reached the end of each triangular shape. I coloured the trunk dark brown and also added a bit in between the leaves. Also, I coloured in a bit of snow around the trunks and on some of the leaves.

Christmas tree

Finally, I coloured the partial moon pure silver.


As I entered the clearing of the Christmas forest, I spotted three unusually bright trees. They looked extremely old, appearing to stroke the stars. The Christmas stars on top of each tree were pure gold and sent a uniquely coloured beam into the sky, connecting multiple stars to form the words ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’. The first was silver, followed by red and then green. The words seemed to glow as the moon shone its majestic rays on them.