Grand Opening

Yesterday, I completed the task of writing a recount of an imaginary situation, explaining how I opened Cheetah Territory at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Can you spot the anecdote (a short story, normally funny, used in recounts)?

Last week at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, I opened Cheetah Territory. This was my reward for winning a competition for writing a fact file about cheetahs. When I received the letter informing me of my victory, I was excited and extremely surprised: I’d only entered for fun!

As I awaited my bus, I couldn’t help feeling nervous. At the gates to the new exhibit, the senior staff were waiting. I shook hands with the zoo owner as a big crowd surrounded the gates. The owner gave a speech and presented me with a certificate. I said a few words of thanks and opened the gates, feeling very proud.

All was well until one of the cheetahs climbed a tree and leaped out of the enclosure. Nearly everyone ran, apart from me and the zoo keepers. I was afraid, but I stood still and watched the staff coax the cat back into the enclosure with some meat.

Overall, it was a fun experience and I was relieved the tree was going to be cut down.