Vegetarian Air Fryer Pizza

Serves 6


1 tbsp oil
1 pizza dough
100 g of cheese
8 Cherry tomatoes
Half a pepper
4 tbsp tomato purée
2 tsp Italian herbs

  1. First, line two air fryer pans, using greaseproof paper.
  2. Take the dough out of the bread maker and split it in half.
  3. Shape the dough halves into rectangles and carefully place them into the air fryer pans.
  4. After spreading oil onto the dough, cover the air fryer pans with cling film.
  5. While the dough proves for 15 minutes, prepare the toppings. Thinly slice the pepper and tomatoes, and grate the cheese.
  6. Spread tomato purée over the dough.
  7. Load the peppers evenly on the dough, and fill in the gaps with tomatoes.
  8. Then, pile the grated cheese onto the middle of the dough, and spread it out, without letting it touch the edges of the pans.
  9. Sprinkle Italian herbs on top.
  10. Finally, bake the pizza in the air fryer for 18 minutes at 200℃.