The Legend of Metadile: Chp. 2

Today, I’ve rewritten the second chapter of a story I wrote called The Legend of Metadile into a script. (Click here to view the whole story.) I have included the story and script versions of the chapter in this post. Enjoy!


‘I wonder if they met like you and Thunder,’ said Arc.


‘Are you alright?’ asked Arc.

‘Yeah,’ said Drago.

‘Are you sure?’ pressed Arc.

‘No! Being a descendant of a hero and having a dragon whose ancestor is also a hero is not—’

Suddenly, people ran through the city, screaming. Fear seemed to conjure up a storm, claw buildings, overwhelm people and creep into the ground.

‘Wait! What’s going on?’ shouted Arc.

The crowd ignored him, continuing to flee. Arc and Drago tried to stop the people, but they were ignored again and again. Then, Blade and Thunder shot into the sky. The high-pitched howl of a Sharp Tail combined with the booming roar of a Sky Lighter froze the masses in their tracks. 

‘What’s happening?’ asked Drago.

‘M-m-metadile,’ replied a man, ‘has returned. He’s destroying towns. He’s coming. Does Ash have a descendant? Only they can stop M-m-metadile.’

‘Yes,’ Drago said slowly.

‘Do you know them? Can you ask them to stop M-m-metadile?’

‘Yeah. We know each other very well,’ answered Drago.

The quivering man nodded and rushed away.

‘What do I do? I’m nothing like Ash,’ said Drago.

‘You are not Ash, but you are Drago,’ replied Arc.

‘I’m useless.’

‘Remember the school Ash created? Remember the motto? A hero’s true weapon is their heart. Your bond with Thunder is the strongest I’ve ever seen, it might even be stronger than the one between Ash and Sun. If anyone can stop Metadile it’s you and Thunder,’ reassured Arc as Thunder nudged Drago.

Drago stroked Thunder and said, ‘I don’t have to stop Metadile. We do.’



I wonder if they met like you and Thunder.

DRAGO: (Distracted)


ARC: (Concerned)

Are you all right?

DRAGO: (Staring at his hands)


ARC: (Presses)

Are you sure?

DRAGO: (Shouts but seems relieved to get it off his chest)

NO! Being a descendant of a hero and having a dragon whose ancestor is also a hero is not—

A crowd of people run onto the stage, screaming.

ARC: (Shouts)

Wait! What’s going on?

The people ignore him and continue to flee. Drago and Arc try to stop them, but keep getting ignored. Thunder gives a bellowing roar and Blade gives a high-pitched howl. The crowd freeze and look at the dragons.


What’s happening?

YOUNG MAN: (Scared. Stutters every time he says ‘Metadile’)

Metadile has returned. He’s destroying towns. Does Ash have a descendant? Only they can stop Metadile.

DRAGO: (Awkwardly)



Do you know them? Can you ask them to stop Metadile?

DRAGO: (Shuffles his feet)

Yeah. We know each other really well.

The young man nods and rushes off stage. Drago looks at Arc.

What do I do? I’m nothing like Ash.

ARC: (Reassuringly)

You’re not Ash, you are Drago.

DRAGO: (Sad)

I’m useless.

ARC: (Gives Drago a friendly nudge)

Remember the school Ash created? Remember the motto? “A hero’s true weapon is their heart.” Your bond with Thunder is the strongest I’ve ever seen, it might even be stronger than the one between Ash and Sun. If anyone can stop Metadile, it’s you and Thunder.

DRAGO: (Strokes Thunder’s head) I don’t have to stop Metadile. We do.