How hens are helping olive farmers in Cyprus.
So… hens aren’t just helping farmers by laying eggs?
No. In fact, only hens who can’t lay eggs are being brought to these farms! Surprisingly, the hens help with the health of the trees. Chickens, unlike us, find insects and weeds a delicacy. By eating them, hens stop insects eating the olives and tree leaves, and weeds from stealing the tree’s nutrients and water. This allows the tree to photosynthesis more, creating glucose to combine with nutrients to make fruit. I would happily explain the process in more detail, but I don’t want to bore you to death!
Why only retired hens?
While the farms could use other hens, they want to save the retired hens. When a hen loses the ability to lay eggs, it normally… well…dies. However, thanks to the olive farmers of Cyprus, these hens can happily live out the rest of their lives.
How exactly do the farmers benefit?
Do you know the saying, money is power? Well, these farmers want power. The hens help increase the olives’ quality, allowing the farmers to sell more. Also, fertiliser is expensive so having hens make it for free is a big advantage.
Could this relationship evolve?
Yes. Due to the several benefits, I’m sure this will spread world and farm wide!