A Savagely Enjoyable Expedition

‘But you’ll be marooned fair and square…’ As the 8th book in the classic children’s series of Swallows and Amazons, Secret Water was written by Arthur Ransome. The Swallows (John, Susan, Titty, Roger, Bridget and Sinbad) are marooned on an island. They start mapping the Secret Archipelago, watching for the distant sail of a relief … Read more

Dinosaur Do Over?

Introduction Dinosaurs lived on our planet 245 to 65 million years ago. These creatures varied drastically from the 2-metre-long velociraptor to the 25-metre-long brachiosaurus, the plant-eating triceratops to the carnivorous T-rex and the long-clawed therizinosaurus to the armored ankylosaurus. However, the great dinosaur empire perished roughly 65 million years ago when an asteroid hit, trapping … Read more

Aquatic Battle

Eel vs Cormorant Across the deep blue waters of Clumber Lake, a tall black cormorant dived. It soon emerged, empty-beaked, near a bank of a small island wrapped in a blanket of plants. The bird dived again and the water stirred as it emerged with a small sea serpent. The cormorant tried to swallow the … Read more