A Film of Magic from a Performance of Fire to Fire-Breathing Dragons

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is easily my favourite film. This if the fourth film based on the seven-book series by J.K. Rowling.

One feature of this film I enjoyed was the powerful character of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, two schools for witches and wizards. Beauxbatons have a graceful personality, arriving at Hogwarts in a carriage pulled by giant, white, flying horses. As their students enter Hogwarts, they bow to the students of Hogwarts. In comparison, Durmstrang are aggressive with most of their students charging to the end of the Great Hall. Here, they perform a fiery display and temporarily conjure a dragon made of fire. Also, their champion, Viktor Krum, partly transforms into a shark in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.

However, my favourite character has to be the Hungarian Horntail. I can easily imagine this dragon being real. True, the fire-breathing ability is an element of fantasy, but it has four limbs, the normal maximum amount for vertebrates like reptiles. Also, the Horntail appears to have forward-facing eyes which is common in predatory animals. However, I love the dragon’s entire design from the chiropteran wings to the sword-like tail.

The Horntail is not just my favourite character: the chase between it and Harry Potter is the best part of the film. This chase even has a couple of climaxes with the Horntail breaking free of the chains and Harry crashing into Hogwarts. Also, I think the Horntail slamming its tail into the ground is the perfect opening for this chase.

Overall, this is a fantastic film with the mighty Hungarian Horntail making it my favourite, despite the sad ending.