Building Setting

Here are some exercises I’ve done on building setting:

Setting: Remote forest
Genre: Horror

The imposing trees clawed the sky, blocking all light. The narrow path wound its way into the forest’s heart and a clearing. As a bolt of lightning flashed in the cursed sky, an abandoned mansion could be seen.

Setting: Magical kingdom
Genre: Fantasy

As the majestic trunks twisted into the sky, their leaves acted as a thin shield from the raging heat. As the path guided travellers through the greenery, it arrived at an old cottage. The rundown building was surrounded by dens, burrows setts and nests. All the animals were peacefully playing together.

Setting: Abandoned factory
Atmosphere: Eerie

On the outside, the factory looked like a freshly-healed patient. Old scars were filled with new bricks and the surrounding grass was handsomely cut. However, the inside was a completely different building: ancient machinery was clogged with rust and the lights were dead. As the framework creaked, rats scurried back and forth. The machines were cloaked with cobwebs which seemed to be the only thing keeping them together. The gears were as big as a small car, as the metal poles ominously clawed the ceiling.

Setting: Football stadium
Atmosphere: Joyful

The massive stadium was filled with people. As the football players walked onto the pitch and waved to their fans, the crowd let out a chorus of excited cheers. The team captains shook hands and the match began. Families chatted about who would win and elders said it was the best match in decades. Looking away for a mere second seemed deadly.

Setting: Singing contest
Atmosphere: Tense

As the contest began, the crowd filed in and sat down. The lights faded and the waiting crowd grew impatient. Meanwhile, the order of the singers had been decided and announced to the performers. The youngest performer was going first, and she felt the crowd’s high expectations drowning her. She walked onto the stage and began to sing in front of the millions of unmoving, staring eyes.

Setting: Birthday party
Atmosphere: Dull

When I arrived at his 60th birthday party, I knew exactly what he would say: ‘Thank you for coming!’ I also spotted the same decorations he’s used for the last few decades. He had a giant basilisk model in the porch, a griffon balloon in the kitchen, lanterns in the living room and a lion balloon in the game room. The only funny thing about them was that they were in the exact same places they’ve been for years.