Turtle Tail Returns

At noon on Thursday, 5th March, a cat named Turtle Tail returned to the moor from Twolegplace.

While expecting kits, Turtle Tail learned from a fellow kittypet that once they did not require her milk, her kits would be taken away by the Twolegs. This influenced Turtle Tail’s decision to return.

Once she arrived at the hollow, where the moorland cats previously lived, she only found stale cat scent. After following the scent, she located the cat’s new camp.

Most of the cats happily accepted Turtle Tail, while Shattered Ice had a cold and hostile response. Grey Wing stated that Shattered Ice had worked hard on the new camp, and now Turtle Tail returned to enjoy it.

“She’s not just a cat,” Rainswept Flower responded to Shattered Ice. “She’s our friend.”