The author of Swallowdale is called Arthur Ransom. In this exciting adventure classic, the Swallows, John, Susan, Titty and Roger, shipwreck their boat-Swallow. This makes them camp in Horseshoe Cove. Titty and Roger explore and find Swallowdale, which becomes the Swallow’s new camp. Next, the four explores climb Kanchenjunga with the Amazons-Nancy and Peggy. On the way back to Swallowdale, everyone gets lost in fog. Roger, who is walking with Titty instead of sailing, twists his ankle. Titty finds an old friend to help Roger. Once Swallow is repaired, the Amazons and Swallows race their boats. The four explorers and the two pirates set off for Wild Cat Island. However is someone stealing the island or preparing for a return?

My favourite characters are Titty, the able-seamen of the Swallows; and Roger, the ship’s boy of the crew. I like them because they explore. On their expeditions together, Titty is in charge, while Roger thinks about food! My favourite bit is when Titty and Roger discover Swallowdale and, with the help of a butterfly, a cave.
The book would be better if it ended with a cliffhanger. If the island is stolen, and the Swallows and Amazons see the island thieves, but don’t know who they are, it would be better. Then, the identity of the invaders would be discovered in the next book.
I would recommend this book to 7-year-olds and older who like exciting adventure books.