How to Make a Carrot Farm in Minecraft

  1. First, clear a 7×10 area, using wooden blocks as a border
  2. Afterwards, destroy three wooden blocks on one of the shortest sides, leaving a wooden block between each gap
  3. Put three dispensers in the side with the gaps
  4. Connect the dispensers with redstone dust (remember to put redstone dust on top of the middle dispenser), after putting water in the dispensers
  5. Put hoppers in line with the dispensers, after making gaps for them on the opposite short side that are two blocks down
  6. Replace a piece of redstone dust with a lever, so you can turn your harvesting system on and off
  7. After finishing the harvesting system, hoe the dirt inside the border
  8. Place some carrots, from your inventory, on the hoed dirt
  9. Finally, when the carrots have grown, turn on the lever
A photo showing four carrots in a hopper.
Carrots in a hopper