Creative Writing With Matilda

During our English lessons, we worked through the Matilda workbook, which taught me about dialogue, reported speech, inner speech, describing voices and showing how a character feels using speech. This piece of work is a conversation using what I’ve learnt from the book. The dialogue is about planning a trick to play on the Trunchbull:

“I know what we can do,” said Tom. “We can give the Trunchbull a tummy ache.”
“Your idea is good, but we could shut her up,” John suggested.
Peter asked himself: how could we use both of those ideas? “That’s it!” he exclaimed in a confident voice.
Tom and John asked, “What’s it?”
“I know how to use both of your ideas.”
“How?” asked Tom curiously.
Peter replied, “We are going to ask the cook to make a sandwich with super-sticky jam inside. Then, we’ll give the sandwich to the Trunchbull.”