Swallows and Amazons

The author of this classic adventure book is Arthur Ransome. In this book, it is the summer break and the Walker children are having a holiday on the farm. When the Walker children (Roger, John, Susan and Titty) see an island from the Peak of Darien, they ask their mother if they can explore the island. The Swallows go on a voyage to Wild Cat Island and meet the Amazons, Nancy and Peggy. Roger, John, Susan and Titty’s boat is called Swallow. Nancy and Peggy’s boat is called Amazon. The Swallows explore, camp and live on Wild Cat Island. During their stay, the uncle of the Amazons, Captain Flint, has his treasure stolen. Meanwhile, the Swallows and the Amazons have a war to see which of their Captains will be commodore when they fight Captain Flint.

I really like that the book has lots of exploration in. I enjoyed the chapter called “Storm” because it has lots of action in making it exciting. My other favourite bit is the chapter called “The Charcoal Burners” because we meet the savages who have an Indian wigwam. My favourite character is Nancy, captain of the Amazons, whose real name is Ruth. Nancy is clever: She marks out the entrance to the harbour and pitches her and Peggy’s tent where it would be safe in the wind.

I would like more humour in the book. If Polly, Titty’s parrot, repeated everything the other characters say it would be funnier.

I would recommend this book to 8-year-olds and older who like adventure stories and pirates.