22/12/2020 Sunny, 6°C

Soil sampling is when you dig a pit to see what layers are in the ground. In the woods, you would normally find litter, humus, sub-soil and parent material. Litter is leaves and sticks on top of the ground. Humus is the rotted down litter and dead animals. Sub soil is under the humus. The parent material is the rock that everything is on top of.

We made a soil profile of Tumble, Tawny and Cobble. Afterwards, we warmed up by the fire Daddy made.

A photo of me warming up my feet by the fire.
Warm fire time town

All the profiles had litter and humus. They also had loam as the sub-soil and limestone as the parent material.

Cobble had less litter than Tawny and Tumble. Cobble had a thin layer of humus, while Tawny had the thickest layer of humus. Tawny had more sand in its thick layer of loam, the sub-soil. Cobble had more clay in its thick layer of sub-soil, loam.

A photo showing the different layers at Tawny, with the really thick layer of the black humus.
Pit at Tawny
A photo of the layers at Cobble, with the really thick layer of sticky sub-soil.
Pit at Cobble
A photo of a sample of muddy limestone on a trowel.
Limestone sample from Cobble