22/12/2020 Sunny, 6°C

Soil sampling is when you dig a pit to see what layers are in the ground. In the woods, you would normally find litter, humus, sub-soil and parent material. Litter is leaves and sticks on top of the ground. Humus is the rotted down litter and dead animals. Sub soil is under the humus. The … Read more

14/12/2020 Sunny, 10°C

On our walk, we looked at a badger sett. Badgers eat lots of different foods. They are omnivorous. They eat honey, slugs, bird eggs, and more. Badger setts are normally near a slope so water can drain away, keeping the set dry. The sett has more than one entrance; they are on different levels to … Read more

8/12/2020 Dry, Light Cloud, 4°C

Before we went for a walk, I started decorating our woodland Christmas tree. Then, we went for a walk. First, we stopped at the wasp nest where I got stung 7 times! Next, we looked for the nest where Billy, our dog, got stung by hornets three years ago. On our way back up, we … Read more


We are trying to use as least plastic as possible, but we have to get our milk in plastic containers. Mum saved two plastic bottles. We used the first to make a house for my cuddly, Dotty. First, Mum cut a hole in it so I can put Dotty in. Then, I put Dotty in … Read more