20/8/2020 Sunny 21°C

Grass and Sedge

We saw some grass and sedge. Grasses are flat and have bumps like knees. Sedge is flat and has edges.

A photo of sedge and grass.
Grass and Sedge


We saw some rhubarb with huge, soft leaves.

A photo of some rhubarb.


We saw some feathery-leaved herb-robert. It has pink flowers that flower from April to October.

A photo of herb-robert.

Pigeon Feathers

We saw pigeon feathers scattered on the ground that were probably eaten by a fox or a buzzard.

A photo of scattered pigeon feathers.
Pigeon feathers

Hedge Woundwort

We saw some hedge woundwort.

A photo of hedge woundwort with its pink flowers.
Hedge woundwort

Yellow Pimpernel

We saw some yellow pimpernel.

A photo of yellow pimpernel.
Yellow pimpernel

Den or Path

I saw a gap in the hedgerow which is possibly a den entrance or a path.

A photo of the den or path.
Den or path