Cromford and the High Peak Incline

Our day started with a walk along the towpath of Cromford Canal. On reaching the swing bridge, we turned onto the High Peak Incline. Near the bottom of the incline, we saw the catch pit containing the remains of a runaway wagon. After a two mile climb, we reached the top. With stunning views across … Read more

20/8/2020 Sunny 21°C

Grass and Sedge We saw some grass and sedge. Grasses are flat and have bumps like knees. Sedge is flat and has edges. Rhubarb We saw some rhubarb with huge, soft leaves. Herb-robert We saw some feathery-leaved herb-robert. It has pink flowers that flower from April to October. Pigeon Feathers We saw pigeon feathers scattered … Read more

7 Electrifying Things You Should Know About Benjamin Franklin

When did Benjamin Franklin Live? From 1706 to 1790. Where did Benjamin Franklin come from? America. What were his two occupations? An inventor and politician. What was Franklin’s most exciting invention? The lightning rod. How did this invention work? Lightning gets attracted to the rod and goes down it and a wire. Why has this … Read more


Lightning is produced by electricity being pulled to something from a cloud. The electricity is made from 2 ice chunks bumping into each other. Electricity is a flow of charge. It can be a positive charge or negative charge. Here are the names of different lightning: cloud to ground, ground to cloud, intracloud, cloud to … Read more

Sugarcube Corner

Outside Its candy roof is as fluffy as pink cotton wool clouds. It has smooth brown gingerbread walls. You might hear the clattering of cakes being made. You may smell chocolate cake. Also, you may smell strawberry frosting. Inside Inside you may see the super-duper party cannon. You will see the balloons and streamers that … Read more

12/8/2020 Sunny, humid, 27°C

What’s eating our leaves? There are some leaves with holes: maybe they are being eaten by slugs, snails and caterpillars. Rock home In a rock we might have seen a web or a nose. Drone flies and buddleia We saw some drone flies drinking nectar on buddleia. Wood ferns We saw sori on the sporophyte … Read more


During last Friday’s visit to the woods, we were very excited to see a pair of dragonflies down at the pond. We managed to get a photo of the female laying eggs in a rotting log at the pond’s edge.

The Mystery of the Missing Apple

Introduction Every week, we’ve wondered who has been eating our apple cores at the woods. Last week, we solved the mystery up in Tumble. However, the one down in Cobble had gone, but our camera didn’t catch the culprit; we will try again in the future. Results The mystery animals are mice, and maybe some … Read more

4/8/2020, Rainy, 16°C

There were loads of mushrooms. There were some sulphur tufts. We saw Hydnum repandum. Today, we found some stump puffballs. There were also some berries belonging to lords and ladies. The berries are poisonous. There were berry-like arils on the yew tree. There were two types of poo. There were loads feathers.