30th September to 4th October


For the first time, we harvested our Chantenay carrots.

A see-through tub of small orange Chantenay carrots with green leaves.
Chantenay carrots

I also dug up two cucumber plants because they had finished growing. I harvested the last of the spinach, too.


This week, we investigated who has the stretchiest socks. My socks were the stretchiest; I think there’s less material blocking them from stretching. Next week, we are going to test my hypothesis.

A red and dark blue sock.
The winning sock


In maths, we made a tally chart showing how many vehicles we saw. We spotted sixty-one cars, one motorcycle, three vans, seven lorries, zero buses and zero bikes. Next, we made a pictogram of our results.

Me holding a clipboard with the survey on, standing on the pavement next to the road.
Traffic survey


On Code, I made the Creator make some circles of stickers. On Monday, we are going to try to copy one of their example patterns.

A circle with red in the centre, yellow around the red and dark blue on the outside.
Example pattern

On FreeRAD, we made a web page for my shop. Click here to get to the shop.

My shop