Amur Leopards
Recently, I spotted an Amur leopard at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Therefore, I researched these fascinating creatures and created a fact file. Enjoy! (To see more, scroll down.)
Recently, I spotted an Amur leopard at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Therefore, I researched these fascinating creatures and created a fact file. Enjoy! (To see more, scroll down.)
All corals, hard and soft, belong to the invertebrate group cnidaria. Unlike the polyps in the soft corals, the hard corals’ polyps create limestone skeletons that more polyps can grow on once the original ones die. Some of these animals are exclusive to certain areas,for example, fan and whip corals can only be found in … Read more
Recently, I have structured an argument based on Gargantis by Thomas Taylor, from the character Dr Thalassi’s point of view. Some believe the fish-shaped bottle belongs to the person who found it. Meanwhile, others think the descendants of the people who used the language inscribed on the bottle should own it. A third group argue … Read more
Some animals and plants have peaceful relationships between themselves and habitats. Underground, fungi send out hyphae connecting woodland trees in a wood wide web. Thanks to this web, the fungi can receive sugar from the trees, the trees will be given water and minerals from the fungi and saplings will be sent any extra resources. … Read more
On the 2nd May, I posted a piece of work that I wrote on settings (click here to see). Since then, I have turned that setting into a short story. Enjoy! As the full moon shone overhead, not a bird chirped. I looked to the star-filled sky. Soon, a glint caught my eye. Lowering my … Read more
Some animals have defence against predators… and prey? Invertebrates Caterpillars have three defences against wood ants: first, staying still, then fighting, and finally tying itself to a branch. Moving up the food chain, wood ants spray predators with acid. The caterpillar’s first and third defences rely slightly on luck, but not as much as the … Read more
Many animals hunt, however there are many adaptations, from the overwhelming numbers of wood ants to the orca’s swimming abilities. Invertebrates Wood ants capture prey and drag it back to the nest. However, they are not completely hostile: they keep live aphids in their nest in order to farm honeydew. The large blue caterpillar uses … Read more
Recently, I have learned about setting the scene. Last English lesson, I used a random setting generator and wrote my own setting. Enjoy! As the full moon shone overhead, not a bird chirped. I looked to the star-filled sky. Soon, a glint caught my eye. Lowering my head, I looked to the vast ocean and … Read more
Plants Most plants let hungry insects rub against them, but lords and ladies have a trap. By having a rotten-smelling flower called a spadex, they attract owl midge flies (who want to lay eggs on rotting leaves). Once the flies slide inside the flower, the lords and ladies trap them, forcing them to brush off … Read more
Recently, I have watched Wild Isles which is about Britain’s nature. Over the next few weeks, I will be writing four posts based on my research: Wild Isles: Mating Wild Isles: Food-Webs and Hunting Strategies Wild Isles: Defenses Wild Isles: Relationships