21 May 2020

Walk (with Roary and Red Jaw) Today, we went for a walk with Roary and Red Jaw. During our walk, we spotted a reed bunting. Mandarin Today, we revised some places and jobs, after playing a feelings game. China Today, I drew and learnt about Wuhan, Harbin and Hothot.

20th May 2020

Walk and Maths After walk, I did a sheet with a bar chart of how many birthdays were in each month. English First, I did some onomatopoeia words which are words that sound like what they are, for example, splash. Then, I read “The Mango Tree” part 3 and answered 3 questions on it. Next, … Read more

19th May 2020

Bike ride We went on a sunny and warm bike ride on a old railway track. Maths Today, I did a sheet with 3 frequency tables on. The first table showed how many marks out of ten 30 children got. The second table showed how many of each pet 24 people chose. Science Today, we … Read more

18th May 2020

Bike Ride and Maths After bike ride, I did a table to show the colour and number of the animal species we have as pets. Mandarin Today, we did some revision on some jobs and made some cards for them, for example, we learnt firemen, policemen and more. Stone Age Today, I finished my work … Read more


Walk and Maths After walk, I did some work on pictograms. English Today, I did some word origins. Then, I read part two of “The Mango Tree” and answered some questions on it. Stone Age Today, I finished my stone age cafe menu. Click here to see my stone age cafe menu.

14th May 2020

Walk and Maths After walk, I did some work on bar charts. Science Today, I pressed some clay onto a holly leaf so we could get an imprint. We used the imprint to have a good look at the leaf’s stomata. Stone Age Today, I started my Stone Age cafe called Golden Rock by finding … Read more

12th May 2020

Bike ride Today, we went for a sunny bike ride. Maths Today, I drew a bar chart showing the number of animal species we have as pets. Mandarin Today, we revised some places, for example, we learnt “school”. Stone Age I made a woolly mammoth fact file.

11th May 2020

Bike Ride We went on a bike ride; it was cloudy, sunny and raining. Maths I did a double page on turns and angles in a maths book. English First, I did a page on shortened words. Then, I read part one of a traditional story called “The Mango Tree” and answered some questions on … Read more

8th May 2020

Walk and Maths After walk, I did some work on turns and right angles. Science We looked at some roots, and I drew a picture of each of them. Then, I answered the questions: “What do plants do?” and “Why is this important for plants?” Stone Age I finished my Stone Age Timeline Click here … Read more

7th May 2020

Walk (with Red Jaw) I brought Red Jaw, my T-Rex cuddly, on our walk. He really enjoyed our walk together. Click here to see a video of Red Jaw and I running. Mandarin We did some revision, and then learned “I won”, “finished” and some feelings. Stone Age Today, I learnt about 30,000 years ago, … Read more