David, Rochester and Love

David’s love and Rochester’s love have similarities and differences.

Both have strong emotions towards those they love. David describes Dora as a ‘Fairy’, while Rochester refers to Jane’s mind as a ‘treasure’. These two metaphors show that Dora and Jane are very special to David and Rochester. Also, David says there is no ‘looking back’ and Rochester says that he would never grow ‘weary of gazing into [Jane’s] eyes, though they had no longer a ray of recognition’ for him. This shows that the two men will never stop loving Dora and Jane.

Rochester’s approach to love is more mature than David’s. David states, ‘I loved Dora Spenlow to distraction!’ Meanwhile, Rochester states, ‘I could hang over you with untiring tenderness, though you gave me no smile in return’. This shows that David is blinded by love and can only see the positives. On the other hand, Rochester knows that love is not everything and can see the negatives of love, showing that he is more experienced than David.

I believe that David’s love may become more similar to Rochester’s love in future as he gains more experience, realising that loving someone is not everything and learning of love’s hardships.

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