Beowulf: Part 2

The thanes are sleeping. Grendel’s mother, who’s a sea hag, kills Ashhere. All of the thanes wake up. The sea hag escapes carrying her kill and Grendel’s arm. Hrothgar, the king of Denmark, asks Beowulf, a daring prince, to kill the sea hag. Beowulf goes to find the sea hag. He sees Ashhere’s head by a lake. The daring hero goes into the blood-stained lake. The sea hag grabs him. Unharmed, Beowulf tries using his sword to kill Grendel’s mother. The sword doesn’t scratch the hag at all. Beowulf grabs the sword that is on the wall and cuts off the hag’s head. Beowulf goes to the hall. Beowulf gives Hrothgar Grendel’s head and the hilt of the giant sword that killed the hag. He returns Unferth’s sword to him. Beowulf is given more treasure. Hrothgar tells the prince to not take things for granted and to use his powers for good. Beowulf returns home. The daring hero tells the Geat king about what happened. He gives the Geat king and queen the treasures from Hrothgar. Beowulf is given a sword and an estate.

To be continued…