5th May 2020


I did some more on right angles.

A photo showing a worksheet with a table with three columns of shapes that have no right angles, one right angle and two or more right angles. The column with no right angles has the most shapes. The column with one right angle has the least shapes.
Right angles time!


We had a look at the flowers from our garden that we pressed and made them into a picture of a fan.

A photo showing my fan of flowers including a dandelion, daffodil and forget-me-not.
Flower fan time!

Afterwards, I learnt what respiration and photosynthesis mean.

A photo showing my worksheet of what a flower needs with labels saying: oxygen, carbon dioxide, sunlight, water, nutrients and space.
What a plant needs

Stone Age

Today, I did from 1,600,000 years ago to 500,000 years ago. I found out that Homo erectus strolled into Europe 500,000 years ago.