In my dictionary, I have done the letter k, but I have not done the letter l yet. I have done magic e words. A magic e makes the letters i, a, o and u into different sounds. I also wrote an explanation about deciduous and evergreen trees, and I got a sticker for it.

I baked chocolate buns all by myself. The chocolate buns were delicious, but we have eaten them all. If you would like one, I will be happy to make you one.

We made strawberry crumble. We used the food processor to mix margarine and flour together because I don’t like getting my hands in too much of a mess. I wrote the recipe.

We went to the Millenium Gallery because our project is about materials. We saw awesome art and it was really pretty. The materials that we saw were metal, ceramic, glass, fabric, rock, wood and paper. I bought a metal, sea turtle badge.

The books that we have read are Dinosaurs from Head to Tail, Amazing Aquariums, Emperor Penguins, World’s Dumbest Dinosaurs, The Sand Goat and Tiger in a Tutu. My favourite book was Tiger in a Tutu because it was really funny.

In our project, we have started singing the Christmas songs. We watched the Nativity story and we made a story map. Next, I made my own amazing Christmas story. I planned my story using the story mountain. The story mountain helps to make awesome stories by having the parts that we need.

We have learnt more about money and we have started learning about number bonds. Mummy set me a really tricky puzzle where I had to show five different ways to use 10p to get some different chocolates, and I found the puzzle very easy.