We learned about Antarctica. We made a background for our Antarctica display with icebergs, mountains, Aurora Australis and water. Then, we put nouns and adjectives on. After that, we learned about its coldest day. Next, we found out what sounds can be heard.

We learned about trees. We used a tree book that told us which leaves came from which trees. In the book, we could tick the trees off. We looked at the bark on different trees and did some bark rubbings.

Core Skills
In English, we started making a dictionary. We put the letters in the order of the alphabet and we had to think of 11 words for each letter. We had to put the words in alphabetical order.

This week, we have been reading the book called A Day in the Life of T. REX. We learned about what didn’t make a good meal for T. rex and the end of T. rex.

In maths, we have been learning about time. We matched up times with clocks and had to put the hands in the right places.